May 24, 2023

7 Hidden Signs of Mold in Your Home

7 Hidden Signs of Mold in Your Home

Mold can be sneaky. Often it doesn’t appear as big, visible dark spots on the external aspects of the walls, rather it is hidden away behind furniture, in the walls, or elsewhere. Luckily, there are a few signs of mold in your home that can help you identify a mold problem before it does too much damage. Here are 7 hidden signs of mold in your home to help you eradicate it before it has a chance to wreak havoc.

1. Spots on clothing

If you suspect mold in your home, a good place to check is your wardrobe. If you look at the fibres of your clothes and they have fluffy or slimy white or black spots, it’s likely that you have a mold problem.

2. Spots, stains or odours in carpet

Carpets and rugs offer the perfect environments for mold to grow. Check for spots or stains, remembering that they may be very small. If you find any, as well as notice an odour, you may have a problem with mold in your home (unless you remember that it’s probably just a few sauce splatters from last night’s dinner that were dropped on the carpet - we’ve all been there).

3. Unexplained asthma and allergy flare-ups

For those of us with asthma and allergy issues, mold can be a HUGE trigger. If you’re finding you’re dealing with flare-ups often, without an identifiable cause, you may be sharing your home with mold.

4. Lingering cold or cough

Prolonged mold exposure can cause respiratory distress and increase the chances of developing ongoing conditions like bronchitis or pneumonia. Consult your doctor and if all other causes have been ruled out, it might be time to get your home inspected for a mold invasion.

5. Misshapen and warped walls

If your paint is peeling or bubbling and your walls develop cracks or look warped, this is one of the top signs that you could be dealing with unwanted moisture and mold nearby.

6. Grimy tiles and grout

If you notice that your bathroom starts to look grimy again soon after a clean, with dark gunk building up in the grout or on the tiles, it could be a mold problem you’re dealing with.

7. Previous water damage

If you’ve dealt with water damage in your home in the past, you are at a much higher risk of developing a mold issue. You’ll need to be much more vigilant and keep an eye out for these hidden signs on a regular basis.

Hopefully, knowing these signs will help you avoid hidden mould growth in your home from now on.